Does Blanca speak Chinese?
Many have asked this question. We didn't know. After all, she didn't speak it to us. She'd imitate us when we tried to speak it to her, and she'd say "Xiexie (thank you)" with a good bit of prompting, but she'll say "thank you" in any language with a good bit of prompting. We asked her teacher, and the teacher said that she didn't speak Chinese. Tonight, however, unprompted, she counted in Chinese to about eight. We clapped and cheered and got very excited, and she did it again a few times. About ten minutes later I asked her, in Yiddish, if she could count in Chinese, and she said yes, and started counting: "Eins, tsvay, drey,..." in Yiddish. She thinks it's Chinese.
It's a long way to travel to get a real-life version of an old joke.
It's a long way to travel to get a real-life version of an old joke.
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